Matthew 11:28 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
How many of us just want time to find rest; not rest of sleep (although that may be good also!) but rest for our souls? Life sends struggles our way. Our minds have difficulty “shutting down.” Some of us may even toss and turn at night trying to solve problems of the day.
God has a different way for us! When we seek God’s heart first and join with Him, His Spirit flows in us so we can experience the fullness of life. It doesn’t mean we won’t have difficulties; it does mean God goes with us, helps us, and gives us peace amid the journey. How awesome Is it we don’t need to face life alone? Even if we don’t have solutions, God does make our burdens lighter and our heart and mind more at peace. Thank you, God, for your love, care, and help.

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