Intro: Getting off the Roller Coaster
Life is like a roller coaster. We all face times that send our hearts to the heights of Mt. Everest and to the depths of the Dead Sea. One day we are experiencing laughter with friends and family, feeling love and joy in abundance. The next day something happens that shatters our world. We lose…
Read More Corrie’s message
Taken from her home. Separated from her parents. Experiencing her sister die. Living in a concentration camp. Corrie Ten Boom survived some horrific circumstances. She suffered much loss and grief and yet gave the world such a strong witness of what it means to trust God with one’s future. Out of her pain, she brought…
Read More Where do you linger?
Boom! Did you read what Scotty said? “If I am going to be in a hurry about one thing this year, may it be to linger longer in your presence. Everything else will fall into place.” That is powerful! Put what Scotty said with what the psalmist wrote, “Wait for the Lord!” and they create…
Read More Playing in your mind
Have you ever had a song stuck in your mind, one that kept coming back even though it wasn’t being sung or played? As I pondered this scripture, I realized being able to remember can be a very good blessing. I also know some memories can be difficult and cause pain. It’s so important what…
Read More Who are you? Why does it matter?
Are you a Mary or a Martha? In our society it is so easy to be a Martha! Now, I’m not saying being a Martha is bad. In fact, I enjoy being around Marthas. Their energy and enthusiasm can be contagious. What I am saying is we can easily get caught up in doing so…
Read More Is it possible to linger?
When was the last time you lingered? Lingering can calm our hearts and often allows us to take that deep breath and be filled with a sense of, “all is well.” I’ll be honest, there were seasons in my life when I didn’t know what lingering was. Six children. A job. Wife. Church. Cooking. Cleaning.…
Read More A Crazy Day For Thankfulness
What did you do today? When our children were young (many years ago 😊), Black Friday meant getting up veeerryy. early, with a list of stores and the best specials to be found. Then, along with thousands of other early shoppers, stand in line, in the cold, to get the perfect gift at the perfect…
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