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Joy on the Journey!
Welcome to my website! Over the years, my journey has taken me along many paths and I am so grateful for each one. Like many of you, I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother and grandmother. Moving many times with my now retired husband, I have seen most of the United States. With each move came a variety of new jobs including being a social worker, a Home-School Coordinator, a psychologist's assistant, and a second and third-grade teacher. It was amid the joy of teaching that God called me into full time ministry where I served both large and small congregations for over twenty five years. My life has had many ups and downs, tragedies, losses and joys which I now share as I write.
I invite you to join with me on this continuing journey of life, its many struggles, and the very difficult journey of loss and grief. My focus is sharing life, knowing God is always present, and joins us wherever we are on our journey. I will talk about grief and loss, joy, and celebrating our loved ones. Your comments are welcome and I look forward to getting to know you in this virtual world in which we live.