Corrie’s message
Taken from her home. Separated from her parents. Experiencing her sister die. Living in a concentration camp. Corrie Ten Boom survived some horrific circumstances. She suffered much loss and grief and yet gave the world such a strong witness of what it means to trust God with one’s future. Out of her pain, she brought hope to many. Her message, “Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God” continues to provide hope amid the tragedies around the world today. Corrie knew God was her Rock. She was able to put her trust in Him and knew He would be with her, no matter what.
Today we turn the calendar to December. For many it’s a month of happiness, celebration with family, parties, and joyous occasions. For others, December is one of the most difficult months. Memories, losses, challenges, and difficulties can bring feelings of hopelessness. Remembering God loved each of us enough to send His son so we could have eternal life and peace with Him gives us a reason to focus on knowing God cares. He is with us. We are not alone, and our futures do have hope–even if we cannot see it. Trust. Sometimes it is hard but allowing God to be our rock makes it possible.