Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With people it is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Impossible tasks. What is something you had to do you began by saying to yourself, “This is impossible? No way? Can’t be done?”
While I was in seminary, I broke my leg. In and of itself, it presented numerous problems but thinking about getting up the 10 steps into the class building with crutches seemed almost impossible, but I was going to give it my best effort. The day after I fell and found myself in a full leg cast, I was scheduled to present in class. During the night, it snowed. The snow turned into sleet, and the steps? Ice. Pure ice. I stood there pondering how I would ever get into the building. It was truly an impossibility. But God. Along came two other students at just the right time to take my crutches, hold my arms, and the three of us made it, one harrowing step at a time, I might add!
There are times we believe there’s no way to do something God has called us to do. Maybe it’s talking to someone about your faith. Perhaps it’s helping someone you really aren’t fond of. Then again, it might be to change jobs or walk away from something in your life that feels contradictory to your faith. What we see as impossible, God will give us the strength and the ability to accomplish. Why? Because our God is the God of the impossible. It’s His promise. Praise Him. Praise Him!