Hope in Our Darkest Times
The rumbling of stomachs couldn’t be heard above the noises of the children and animals. It had been many days and the food supplies were running so low families began rationing what little they had. The hunger created desperation. Can you hear the thousands upon thousands of people complaining? Long desert nights and squelching hot days added to the fear of what was to come. Our “aha” from scripture comes out of this scenario. The Israelites left Egypt, crossed the Red Sea, and were now in a predicament. Would they die of starvation in the desert?
As always, God had a plan (Exodus 16). God always has our backs when we are in relationship with Him. Providing food for all those people as they journeyed would take a miracle, something the Israelites didn’t consider. The night turned into day and God did just what they weren’t considering. Their awakening eyes saw something covered the ground– food from heaven: manna! What God sent could be gathered, ground, and turned into a type of bread that would make the hunger pains go away. It was also filled with the nutrients they needed. For forty years no one hungered for lack of bread from heaven.
What is the “aha” for us? Hope in our darkest times. When the Israelites believed their situation did not have a solution, God provided. When we find ourselves anxious, fearful of what might happen next, or overcome by a loss, we can trust God has a solution.
Let’s be real. Life can be difficult. Tragedies happen. Loved ones leave us. Disasters strike. But like the Israelites discovered each morning, “The steadfast (immovable, will not change) love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is His faithfulness” (Lam 3:22-23). God’s love came to them in His provision. God’s mercy overlooked their complaining. Can we find greater hope than knowing God is faithful to all His promises, to His desire for us to live in His joy, and His love for us never ends? Out of our darkest times we can trust God will create a new path and bring new hope. What seems impossible can become God’s greatest work in our lives.

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