Grief and Thanksgiving

thanksgiving and grief

Grief and Thanksgiving

How are you feeling today? Even if you are among family or friends, how is your heart? The days leading up to Thanksgiving through nearly Valentine’s Day can be more difficult than others if you have lost a loved one. There’s no easy solution because no two people grieve the same. However, below are just a few tips to possibly help. Know you are not alone. Your feelings are yours, no one else’s. May you feel God’s comfort as you do whatever you decide to do on this day of giving thanks to God for the many blessings, past, present, and those still to come.

  • Seek gratitude. While this may seem hard but focusing on blessings can help the blue feelings. Look for the little things. Write down ordinary blessings you see around you. Look for reasons to be thankful.
  • Spend time with people who help support you and lift your spirits rather than those who cause you stress.
  • Remember, just like it is okay to cry, it is okay to be happy. Being able to laugh and feel joy is not disrespectful. It is something your loved one would desire.
  • If you are at a family gathering, tell others it is okay to mention your loved one’s name. As you sit around the table, have each person tell a funny story about your loved one. If not funny stories, tell about a food he/she made that was your favorite. Talking about your loved one and sharing special memories brings them closer and includes them in the gathering.
  • Read your loved one’s favorite scripture passage (if he/she had one). Think about why it might have been their favorite.
  • As with any other day, remember to rely on God for your strength. You are not walking this journey alone.


May God love for you encircle your heart and mind so on this day of giving thanks, you may feel His comfort and perhaps even his joy. 💙


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